
Just My Socks IPLC-HK V2 线路升级

Just My Socks 官方公告,IPLC-HK V2 线路升级了,线路更加稳定,节点 IP 有变化,请及时更新订阅信息,原有节点 IP 一两天后会失效。后续还会有一系列更新。

「Just My Socks IPLC-HK V2 线路升级:https://justmysocksl.net/29」

下面是 Just My Socks 官方公告原文:

IPLC-HK V2 Circuit Upgrades

We have deployed an upgrade to our IPLC HK V2 circuits to make them more resilient. This required us to change IP addresses; please update your subscription. Old IPs will remain functional for a day or two.

「Just My Socks IPLC-HK V2 线路升级:https://justmysocksl.net/29」

We will be deploying another series of upgrades soon to improve service stability even further.

Sunday, July 30, 2023


「Just My Socks IPLC-HK V2 线路升级:https://justmysocksl.net/29」
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镜像 2:justmysocks2.net(国内无法直接访问)
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「Just My Socks IPLC-HK V2 线路升级:https://justmysocksl.net/29」